Where we are
Juke-Box - Via Cornacchia, 10 - (81100) Caserta - Italy: Google Maps

Email: info@trovacd.it

Facebook: Juke-Box - TrovaCd

Instagram: Juke-Box - TrovaCd

eBay: JukeBox2023

Amazon: Juke-Box @ Amazon.it

Phone: (+39) 0823-323929

Whatsapp: (+39) 324-8226902

How to buy
1.   Load items into the shopping basket

2.   Payment method choice

3.   Order confirmation

The availability of the items can be:

  • in stock: the item is available now

  • 5 days: the item is available but it will take a few days to get it ready for shipping

  • forthcoming: the item has not been released, yet. It will be shipped as soon as it is available

  • to be checked: the availability has to be checked. If it is not possible to ship the product, TrovaCd will communicate it via email and will refund the payment

  • out of stock: the item can't be ordered

How to pay
Accepted payment methods are the following:
  • credit card: payment transactions are managed by Banca Sella

  • PayPal:  enables buyers and businesses to send and receive money online

  • bank transfer: when the order is confirmed, TrovaCd will communicate to the customer the banking account codes where the money has to be transferred. To kick off the procedure it is necessary to send a screen shot of the receipt of the credit transfer to the following email info@trovacd.it 

Shipping costs
Italy Europe Other Countries
€ 4,9 € 10,9 € 25,9

In Italy the average delivery time is about 24-48 hours. In Europe it is 3-5 working days. In countries outside Europe the times can vary from 8 to 10 days.

Privacy policy
According to the Italian law art.10 n. 675/96 "Tutela delle persone e di altri soggetti rispetto al trattamento dei dati personali" and the European General Data Protection Rule - 25 May 2018, Juke-Box states that Personal Information entered by the customer will be used only to manage the orders and to deliver the items. Customers' Personal Information will not be given to anybody for any other reason. Customers can ask to remove their Personal Information data at anytime via email to "info@trovacd.it"

Cookie policy
Cookie Policy
To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device.

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don't have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

Disabling cookies from browsers
It is possible to disable cookies directly from the browser, by accessing the settings (preferences or options): this choice may limit some navigation features of the site.

Cookies management
Cookies used on this site can fall into the categories described below:

Activities strictly necessary for operation
These cookies are technical and allow the site to function properly. For example, they keep the user connected while browsing, preventing the site from requesting to log in multiple times to access the next pages

Activities for saving preferences
These cookies allow you to remember the preferences selected by the user while browsing, for example, allow you to set the language

Statistical and audience measurement activities (for example: Google Analytics)
These cookies help to understand, through data collected anonymously and in aggregate, how users interact with websites providing information on the sections visited, the time spent on the site, any malfunctions. This helps to improve the performance of internet sites

Social media cookies
These third-party cookies are used to integrate some widespread functionality of the main social media (for example: Facebook) and provide them on the site. In particular, they allow registration and authentication on social sites, sharing, comments and enabling "like" features

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how to buy  |  how to pay  |  shipping costs  |  privacy policy  |  cookie policy  |  where we are
Juke-Box s.a.s. | Via Cornacchia, 10 - 81100 - Caserta
Numero REA: CE - 223537 | P. IVA 03172190617